Julien Gaudin

Dublin, Leinster, Ireland

Solution Consultant, Sales Engineering

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Get remote work done faster and easier: that is why people are using DocuSign, and the reason I joined this incredible team 3 years ago. Fluent in French and English, I had the privilege to experience both the pre and the post-sales world during this period. Allowing me to understand that we learn from you, to design a solution that fits your use cases.


Originally from a little village in Burgundy, France, I moved to Ireland 6 years ago as a post-sales engineer. Joining DocuSign back in 2018, I got the opportunity to help companies with their digital transformation by using our solutions portfolio in the best way possible. My current pre-sales role allows me to design a solution that meets and exceeds my customers' needs, by having a deep understanding of their specific processes. Thus, making the signature processes smoother, interconnected with their current systems and tools, and easy!

I am a very curious and approachable person, which people around me appreciate as I want to give the best solution/answer for their specific needs and requirements.

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Language Proficiencies:

French, English


API, templates, webapp, tips, solution design, Salesforce